Environment Variables

The Substance Baker Bridge comes with a number of ways to configure it within a larger pipeline.

The following Environment Variables are available

  • Substance (Designer or Automation Toolkit) Install Location

Specify the 


Environment Variable, pointing to either the Substance Automation Toolkit or Substance Designer (12.1 or higher) install directory,

so the Substance Baker Bridge knows where to look for the sbsbaker executable

  • Pipeline Presets via Environment Variable

Pipeline Presets are presets that have been added on Mari Startup via the Environment Variable


Presets can be found in the Baker Bridge UI at the bottom.

Pipeline Presets are prefixed with [Pipeline] and cannot be deleted,overwritten or renamed with the Preset Tools.

Newly created presets can be easily converted to pipeline presets by going to the location of locally stored presets ()

and copy pasting the newly saved preset file into the Folder specified by the Environment Variable

  • Default Pipeline Presets

To specify a Pipeline default Preset that the Baker Bridge should open with, setup the Environment Variable


.. with a name of a Preset found in the Folder specified by the MARI_EP_SUBSTANCE_BAKER_PRESET_FOLDER Environment Variable.

For example if within the Preset folder a file "default.json" exists, setup the environment Variable as


A alternative way, without using Environment Variables is to place a text file called "PreferredPreset.txt" inside the Pipeline Preset Folder.

Define the name of the preset to load (e.g. "default") directly within the text file.

   Example of a "PreferredPreset.txt" file pointing to a Pipeline Preset.

While you can specify a Default Pipeline Template, the user at any time has the choice to set another preset as the default startup preset, by pressing the "Pin" button next to the preset dropdown.

A user pin always has precedence over a pipeline default preset

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